

SKYBlast provides a new positive experience for browsing and http downloading for Satellite internet users.
SKYBlast innovative technology enables fast, efficient satellite communications to any location by proxy client http connections through a new protocol that can handle the inherent long delays and possible connection timeouts and/or lost connections.

Product Brief


With the increasing accessibility to the internet and the increasing internet bandwidth, IPTV becomes more and more an attractive transport medium to distribute live content.
As a result, IPTV starts to congest the already loaded internet causing the bandwidth to increase even more. IPTVBlast helps to relief the congestion by smart, innovative routering techniques.



wwwBlast aims to reduce the international bandwidth of http audio/video live streaming. Through the nature of http connections, every customer opening an international live stream adds an extra bandwidth to the already congested internet even if a few people watching the same live stream.
WWWBlast solution reduces the bandwidth by redirecting multiple connections to a single connection.